Thursday 16 July 2009

Would it be a good idea to "teach" three times a lesson?

Maybe at the moment we prepare a lesson we don't use the full potential of our effort. We invest time searching the net for information, trying to find links to explain come contents better but, when students use this information. We possible save this information in our pendrive, our in our links-directory as DELICIOUS or...
The question is: can students reach this information? If the answer is YES it means that our students can decide where and when study the lesson, if the answer is NO our effort isn't so fruitful.
What do you thing about this picture?

If we follow this layout we are offering to students the opportunity to use our effort 3 times, BEFORE we start the lesson (1), DURING the lessons (2) and finally LATER on, they can access to it as many times as they want (3).
In the following zip file you can find a mindmap(freemind) where it shows the whole process.

Sunday 12 July 2009

IWBs in the Secondary: Where is the Interaction?

To read this presentation could be a good way to start thinking how to use IWB.


Wordle: Moodle + IWB: another approach to digital teaching.